
WSWS-Bald Eagle

West Sound Wildlife Shelter

A Center for Rehabilitation and Education

LEARN MORE!Open Wed-Sat, 10am - 4pm
WSWS Flying Squirrel

West Sound Wildlife Shelter

Call to the Wild 2024 Auction Sponsors

West Sound Wildlife Shelter

West Sound Wildlife Shelter is a non-profit 501(3)(c) organization, which provides injured, orphaned, and sick wildlife a second chance at life ​and promotes the well-being of wildlife and their habitats ​through public outreach, education, and involvement. Our tax ID number is: 91-1481441.

Current Employment Opportunities

West Sound Wildlife Shelter is currently looking for a Wildlife Rehabilitation Technician.
For more information, please click here.

How You Can Help!

Come be a part of the movement. With over 1500 patients treated, 61 volunteers, and over 10,000 community members reached through education and events, West Sound Wildlife Shelter continues it commitment of being a center for rehabilitation and education.

Audience Reached

Rescue & Rehabilitation


Our wildlife rehabilitation clinic treats over 1,500 patients a year!  We hold the necessary permits to treat small mammals and a variety of bird species. Our ability to treat individuals is limited by patient load and the type of species that we can accept at our clinic, please call for more information on what we are currently accepting.

Upcoming Events


We have several amazing fundraising events throughout the year. Each event includes special presentations from our wildlife ambassadors. Our events range from open houses to auction galas and wine pairings to Raptor Rhapsody to our annual spooky walk at Halloween. Come join the fun!



Our Wildlife Educators and Wildlife Ambassadors provide inspiring and engaging wildlife education programs to schools, groups and community events. Our programs are aligned with state and national science standards and can be a great addition to any curriculum. We have several program options available.

With your help, we can provide sick, injured, and orphaned wild animals a second chance at life.

Donate Today!

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