Give The Gift

WSWS-Give The Gift

Give The Gift of Wildlife

Help Us Continue the Caring

Give the Gift of Wildlife

West Sound Wildlife Shelter, a wildlife rehabilitation hospital serving the Western Puget Sound region, provides medical care to over 1600 patients annually. After thirty years of uninterrupted care, the demand for our services has grown exponentially.

Like you, the COVID pandemic changed our world and greatly impacted the shelter. From loss of normal fundraising channels to the loss of all volunteers for over a year, West Sound Wildlife Shelter staff worked unprecedented hours on a greatly reduced budget to care for wildlife that continued to arrive at our doorstep. It was a powerful reminder of how important our community is to the well-being of our wildlife patients, and how you, the donor has made it possible for West Sound Wildlife Shelter to serve the Western Puget Sound region for thirty years. Our non-profit model depends almost entirely on donations from private individuals and businesses, including matching company donations. Please send your gift today and help us continue the caring. All donations are tax deductible.

Please select a donation level below to help us continue the caring. If this is a gift for a loved one, at each level you can download a printable card to share your gift with them.

Help Us Continue the Caring!